Were did the time go....I just updated the about me section on the boys ages, it was shocking to see 3 & 5. They are now 7 & 9!!!! Wow it seems like yesterday I was doing life with littles and now they are school aged and independent little men. My poor little blog got lost in the dust of time. I really really miss this space as a journal and photo chronicle of our life. I look back and love reading the post from the early years. I miss the connection to other moms and creatives in the great big blogesphere. I'm taking my blog off of the dusty shelve and trying to re-engage with all of you again. It gets harder as the kids get older but I'm facing some serious lifestyle shifts and new personal choices with the boys that come from their independence and peer influence. I wan to communicate the struggles and the joys of children that are not so happy in photographs anymore. Come back with me on this journey and for the love of Pete give me some advice!!