healthier baking subs

One thing I am starting to realize with gluten, dairy and refined sugar free is you really can take almost any recipe and make it healthier and tasty. The only thing my taste buds are getting used to is the powerful punch refined sugar gives its baked goods. It's now more of a suggested sweet than a mouthful of sugar. If I want an extra kick I will sprinkle a small amount of brown sugar on top like you see in the above photos. The other day for example I baked this apple cake, and used this recipe and sub out flour with my gluten free flour mix-i prefer Pamela's Gluten Free Flour mix, replaced milk with whole coconut milk (not lite) and used maple syrup and honey in place of sugar. When it comes to the honey it can change the taste of anything based on the type of honey used. When I use orange blossom it gives almost a citrus tang.  I am also clarifying my butter(also known as Ghee) before use which cooks the milk proteins down and out. You can always buy Ghee from specialty stores and some grocery stores but be prepared to pay upwards of 10 dinero. Ouch! For the most part this lifestyle is more expensive, but what you are feeding your body is priceless.


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