budget friendly kitchen garden

So what do you do with no garden space? Plant a few containers in an eight foot space and hope for the best. This is our front porch that gets the afternoon sun with a few containers. We have lettuce, zucchini, kale, chard, herbs, edible flowers, strawberries, peas, beans, and one tomato plant. This is just enough for me to cut or harvest from on a daily basis. It keeps my green thumb busy and cuts about $25-$50 off our grocery bill a month. I recently participated in a discussion about cutting the monthly food budget and shared our kitchen garden routine. Anyone can do it and use just about any kind of vessel that holds dirt. What do some of you do to cut your monthly food budget?


Anonymous said…
I love all of your container gardens! We grow a large garden and have the chickens but our biggest budget saver has been meal planning.

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