scrap braided scarf

This was the fastest no sew project that I am happy with the end result. I have a whole box of fabric from a few years ago when I decided I was going to thrift and up-cycle clothes for little B. This phase lasted a while and then I lost the lust to do more after little F was born. Now I have a box of cut up random clothes and fabrics sitting in my garage being useless, until I saw someone with a braided scarf and thought "I could do that". And I did. Scrap to scarf in 5 minutes. Here are the three simple steps:

Braided Scarf
1. Cut three strips of fabric at least feet long, the longer the better and 
varying width makes it more interesting.
2. Tie all three together at one end in a knot
3. Braid fabric and knot off at the end


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